success stories

John Bodary
SUPPORTING AND CELEBRATING A Diverse Workforce Old Friends, New Beginnings Woods Construction & Interiors is not new to the construction industry or the challenges it

Mike Arasin
FULCRUM CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTREACH: A Partnership that Helps Position for the Future The Situation When Mike Arasin, the CEO and Founder of Fulcrum Construction, a

Debra Lary
ENHANCED EXPOSURE EQUALS A More Diverse Workforce The Situation Debra Lary, Work-Based Learning Coordinator for Newton County Schools in Covington, GA, is responsible for introducing

Marlon Parnell
With offices in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and San Antonio — Fulcrum Construction creates high-quality, people-centered, retail commercial construction built to inspire. Marlon Parnell has joined

Eric Pacheco
With offices in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and San Antonio — Fulcrum Construction creates high-quality, people-centered, retail commercial construction built to inspire. Eric Pacheco has joined