John Bodary

SUPPORTING AND CELEBRATING A Diverse Workforce Old Friends, New Beginnings Woods Construction & Interiors is not new to the construction industry or the challenges it faces. In fact, for seven decades and counting they have served the entire nation, employing hundreds of people from all communities and backgrounds. President John Bodary already knew about ConstructReach […]
Mike Arasin

FULCRUM CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTREACH: A Partnership that Helps Position for the Future The Situation When Mike Arasin, the CEO and Founder of Fulcrum Construction, a retail commercial contracting company, heard that their longtime client, Target, was teaming up with an organization to attract young, diverse talent to the construction industry, he was immediately interested. “As […]
Debra Lary

ENHANCED EXPOSURE EQUALS A More Diverse Workforce The Situation Debra Lary, Work-Based Learning Coordinator for Newton County Schools in Covington, GA, is responsible for introducing high school students throughout the county to work-based training programs and careers. “I receive calls looking for good students all of the time, but if students haven’t been exposed to […]